Thursday, March 29, 2007

March 28, 2007


Today the topic is american Idol in case you didn't know that. I don't usually watch this show. So you might not learn that much. But it is where people from all over the country that come to this place and audition and sing a song. About 12 people will get chosen. Every they go to sing a song in front of many people. The ones that didn't do so well usually get eliminated. And oh yah,........ the people watching the show or is there get to vote who they liked the best. When they make it to like 5 people they go to HOLLYWOOD, I think. That's all i really know. TTYL!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

March 28,2006


I love to hunt. I am going to go turkey hunting when it starts. I am so excited. My family goes elk, deer, antelope, turkey, moose, bobcat, and other things. I know quite a bit about hunting. I know that if you kill an animal you have to gut it and skin it by yourself. You have to take a to a meat processing place to get the meat and horns from it. You have to be responsible for what you want from your animal. you need to be able to pay for the processing job. Do you know a lot about hunting?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

March 27,2007

Yah our topic today is on Bigfoot. What is Big foot? Do you want to know what I know about the big saskquatch. I know that he is a creature that is like 7ft tall. He has really big feet. I have even seen him on TV. He is so cool. I want to see him so bad.Well thats all I really know about Bigfoot. So take care. TTYL!

Monday, March 26, 2007

March 26,2007

Hello. My day has gone by so fast. I have no homework. Today our teacher decided to have a topic: UFO's. Yah I didn't like the idea much but I am OK with it.
I don't know much about UFO's so You won't learn much. Well I only know that UFO stands for, Unidentified Flying Objects. Also they can carry.......ALIENS!!!!!! I don't want top know anything about UFO's I am not that interested in UFO's. But they do fly in the sky. They can be round and like a spaceship. At least that's what I've heard.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

March 22, 2007

Hello. Tonight is the school dance!!! I am so excited. I made a bet with my friend that I wouldn't get asked to dance. She bet that I would get asked to dance. So I bet her a 1.00$ that I wouldn't. So yah it is going to be very close. Plus I already know that I'm not going to get asked. We are going to have like a million types of chips, soda, and cookies. Plus my mom and my two friends Moms. My mom is getting a way to get evryone to dance. Her friend is helping her. It is going to be crazy.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

March 21, 2007

Hello. I am so excited for today. I have track practice. Last night our team went on a 2mile run. I only stopped twice. But now my legs are very tight. But I will be able to run today. That is why I am so excited. Our first meet is next Saturday. Oh yah...I am definetely in the high jump. My coaches said I was good at it. We have a dance tomorrow night. My mom is one of the Chaperones. It is gonna be so much fun. Well that's all I have to say. For now........TTYL!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

March 20, 2007

Hello. i have had such a bad day. I think everyone is mad at me. But my two friends i know aren't. Today i had to go to the orthodontist. All I had to get were just new rubber bands for my braquets. Well I don't have much to say today, so I guess i bettter get this finished up.

Monday, March 19, 2007

March 19,2007

Hi all you people reading this. I hope you are reading this. Sorry for skipping yesterday's and the day before's entry. I didn't have school over the weekend. I had so much fun over the weekend. Do you remember the choir festival we had. I got a superior on my singing solo. But I messed up pretty bad. I don't know what i got on my flute solo. I think i did pretty good. Then i went to Spearfish to go shopping. I got two shirts, flip flops, chap stick, a bunch of candy, and a couple other things. I also ate at the coolest restauraunt. I had Frito Pie. It was nachos but with Fritos. Well that's all i need to say. TTYL!

Friday, March 16, 2007

March 16, 2007

Wow. today is going balistic. Everyone in my class is making a new blog, and not everybody is getting to have there blog made, I am like the only one has started already. But yah, today is really crazy. I am so excited though because today is FRIDAY. I love Fridays. do you want to know why? Because tomorrow our middle school is having the choir festival! I am goign to sing "Go Tell It On the Mountain". And then i am going to sing a duet with my friend called " Amazing Grace".