Wednesday, November 26, 2008


hey all you bloggers ou there! it has been absolutely 4evr since i have blogged. but to keep u informed i am in 8th grade now....not 7th grade. u prolly already knew that anyway, but oh well............hmmmm......i just got a concussion but i am alright now......we are in basketall already too.....but that is all i need to say to keep u in the loop so TTYL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh ya do u like my star? well if u don't i do so haha....!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

May 03, 2007

Hey all you bloggers out there! today i have to talk about the Virginia Tech. massacre. It has been a terrible tragedy, and quite a few people should be happy to even be alive. It is terrible that someone would kill the lives of such innocent people. I am just happy that it wasn't our school, but I do feel terrible about it. Because what all the 33 families had to go through with their children. The killers name is Seung-Hui Cho. It is a catastrophe,there at VA. Tech. Well that is all I will be talking about, TTYL!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

May 2, 2007

The funniest thing that ever happened to me:

Hey all you bloggers out there! Hows it happenin'? Well it's drifting with me alright. This topic is a good one. The funniest thing that happened to me ever is............when my my brother, mom and I jsut got done from Wal-mart, so we went to McDonalds. It was so good. But when I went outside to get a dollar bill to buy a Parfait, I came in the doorway and I didn't see a wet floor sign so I wasn't that cautious about it, and when I took a step, I slipped and landed on my back really hard. Only one person saw it. She asked if I was ok. But what I thought was really nice, was that she didn't laugh. Well that is my story. TTYL!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

April 29, 2007

hello. today i have no topic, so im gonna write what i wanna. Well I am just hangin out wit my bff morgan. We are just browsing on the internet. but other than that we r not really doing anything. I had a pretty good weekend. i went to my track meet. I don't kno how i did on my events though. but during the long jump i twisted my ankle and it hurt sooooooooooooooo bad. than i went to get some ice cream cuz i got to go home instead of running the 200m dash. i was happy. i got a DQ strawberry sundae waffle bowl. it was delicious. VERY! but then i got eh worst sunburn. it hurts so bad. well ttyl! cu l8a!be happy!

Friday, April 27, 2007

April 27, 2007

Hey all you bloggers out there! The sun is shinging and it is beautiful! Today the topic is "What is technology goning to be like in the future?" Honestly, I really don't know, but I can take a whack at it. So I think It will be more like internesty, like there will be more than there is now. Like an ipod on the computer, or you can call your friends on the computer. That is really all I think it will be. Well since that is all I have to say.......TTYL!
future hand held computer.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

April 24, 2007

Hey all you bloggers out there! It is very rainy today. I am having a pretty bad day. But it will get better. I am getting very irritated. But it will definitely get better. Well there is no topic today. So I am going to pick something out of my head. Well I will tell you about my weekend. First:startnig on Friday, I had to stay home and clean. So that wasn't the best. But then at like 4:00pm my cousin came and we had a pinecone fight. IT was so fun. But I got hit and it left a red mark. he had poke holes all over his skin. then at 8:30 my dad came. I was so excited. Then in the morning, I went to my track. It was so warm out. I had a good time. Then we went to stay in a hotel. We swam for ever. It was fun. Then in the morning, we went swimming again. Then we went fishing. I caught 3 fish. Then we went home. It was so much fun. Well that is all I have to say. TTYL!OH YAH! BE HAPPY!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 23, 2007

April 23, 2007

Hey all you bloggers out there. I am so sorry about the delay on these last few journals. We were so busy doing something else, we didn't have time to blog.

What are you doing over the summer?

Well lets see........what am I doing over the summer. I don't think I can say it all. Well lets just put the first thing down and then in order.
1st I will go to summer camp. It's called discovery summer. We are going to make a movie. That goes on till june 29th. Then at the end we will go to the Water slides.Then we will go to this cool water park for my birhtday. Then we will go to Butte, Montana for a few days. Then we will go shopping about every weekend for four weekends. Then we will go to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Then we will go to Butte again. Oh yah, we will go to see my dad. We will also go fishing in the Missouri River. Then I will go to see my aunt and uncle. And my cousin will come to see my brother. Then that will pretty much be it.